Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dance Class Begins

Well yesterday was Mia's very first dance class.  It comes complete with a new outfit and two spiffy pairs of dancing shoes.  She got all of this from Santa and is overjoyed to finally be able to use it.

I was under the false impression that I would have 45 minutes of free time while Mia danced her heart out.  I did think that it would be difficult to change out 15 pairs of shoes for 15 three year olds when they switched from ballet to tap.  However, I assumed they had figured that part out and I didn't need to worry.  Oh yes, they have it figured out.  It is called 15 mommies waiting in the wings for their little girl to come rushing out halfway through class to have mommy switch out shoes!  Hmm.  This seems like an enormous waste of time for all of these women to be hanging out for 45 minutes only for 30 seconds of action when we are needed. 

I do suppose that potty breaks may be required.  But really, couldn't we organize better?  Couldn't there be a mommy class while this is going on and all of us do 45 minutes of plies (there is supposed to be an accent over the e but can't figure out how to do it in the blog.)?  Or couldn't we work in shifts and two of the mommies hang out to do the change while the rest of run and use the treadmill?

I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Many parents live a good portion of their lives waiting for practice, driving to practice, picking up from practice.  Don't get me wrong, when I could see Mia through the glass door it was adorable.   I definitely liked watching her, but I could only see glimpses of her for a few minutes at a time and mommy really needed a workout. 

It is what it is.  I just have to continue to remind myself to guard our freetime like the precious commodity that it is.  For the kids sake and for the sake of my tush!  (Seriously, they could move two treadmills up there and we could all take 10 minute turns or something!)

Regardless, Mia loved it.  She wasn't very balanced and kept falling over when she tried to stand in position.  But she listened and even when she was having trouble had a big smile on her face. 


Daphne said...

Even if Miss Mia does not become a prima ballerina, she sure looks cute in the outfit!

Dawn said...

Jac kept asking to "see all the girls in their leotards", which cracked me up. He was very excited to see all the little ballerinas, who wouldn't be?

Three Against One said...

I will be interested as to how she likes it. Claire took dance last year when she was three and didn't care for it, needless to say we are not continuing with it this year.

Dawn said...

So far she likes it. Of course that is only two classes in. I think the big recital at the end is really going to be interested. Either you like to be up in front of everyone like that or you don't.