Tuesday, August 17, 2010

K is for Kindergarten

Jac has had adventures before, but Jeff or I have always been with him.  He has gone to other people's houses, he went to preschool, he even went on a vacation with his grandparents for a week.  But this feels different.  There are no parents or grandparents watching over him.  He now has teachers.  This is the first day of Jac becoming an independent little person.  Pretty awesome. 

I didn't cry!  (Because it is all about me.)  And Jac didn't cry, he was just ready to get going!  He was excited this morning, but by 11am he asked, "When am going to Kindergarten?"  I can't wait to hear all about his bus ride and his first day of school. 


Christi said...

YAY Jac!! (Isn't that backpack a little big!?) :)

Mary said...

Woman, you're fast at getting this post out there!!!!

No tears from Josie and she hopped right up on that bus! I was fine until the bus pulled away and then Todd turned to me and said "How are you doing Mama?" ... now WHEN are they suppose to be home????