Tuesday, October 26, 2010

37 Week Doctor Appointment

Well, I made it 37 weeks.  That is awesome.  Now baby doesn't have to worry about being poked and prodded so much when she comes out, she is officially full term and they can just throw her up on my chest instead of whisking her away like poor Mia.  Her activity level just keeps increasing every day, I hope that means that when she is delivered that she won't be so sleepy.  If she is more alert there is a chance I might be successful this time with the breastfeeding.

Everything is good with the doctor.  I asked a few more burning questions, made sure I knew who the oncall doctor was this weekend and found out that I am dilated to a 2 now.  Baby is down and no longer "floaty".

I feel huge and cumbersome and am definitely ready for baby to come.  I would prefer, however, to not share my birthday!  Jeff and I discussed it last night and we would like to wait until next week! (Not sure we have that much control over the whole thing.)

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