I am officially off of the medication. Yay! It really wasn't too bad, I wasn't having any more headaches. But I didn't like setting an alarm to take it in the middle of the night. I guess I have at least a few more nights to eat and sleep as much as I want to. That may not last for long.
I am one centimeter dilated but not a lot of other action. With Mia when she sent me home at week 36 I was a 2 or a 3, so a little further along. I did gain weight this last week, which I hadn't been doing. Good for baby. My belly is pretty textbook size at 36 cm. I am right where I should be!
The only problem is that I don't have a lot of incentive to bake her much longer. My belly button hurts! I am like a turtle on my back trying to get out of bed or up from a chair. I am not swollen, thank goodness, but I do have enormous difficulty in getting anything off the floor, shaving my legs or tying my shoes. I would love to be able to pick up Jac and Mia, but that is a thing of the past for now. I guess the incentive to keep her in there is if I go one more week, she is considered full term and there will be a lot less tests at delivery and while in the hospital. She may also be more alert than my sleepy little Mia was for the first weeks.
Good news, we have a name, including a middle name! We will share it with you in it's finality when the big day arrives. Bad news, if the ultrasound at 19 weeks was wrong and we are having a boy, we don't have a name. Jeff and I have talked a little at least, but are pretty far apart still when it comes to boy names. We also have the crib put together, the car seat cover washed and I have diapers and bottles. There are still plenty of things to do to be completely prepared, but the necessities are taken care of.
I don't know if I am nesting or if I just have gotten completely disgusted with our house. Regardless, every day that the baby stays in is one more day I can put things in order. Some toilets need cleaning and some floors need mopping, along with a lot more!
The last thing to think about is that Friday is a full moon. Jac was born close to a new moon (as was Jeff) but my water broke due to a big storm that came through. Mia was born smack on a full moon (as was I). So Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all good guesses. Or I could have a November baby, who knows?