On this Friday the 13th, 40 years from his entry into this world - is he thinking, I've done a lot! I have a house and a couple of cars and a family and a wife and friends and a job that I like and the trappings that come with all of that? I have accomplished what I came here for.
I don't think so. Knowing him a little better than the next person, I think it is more of - what have I done in this 40 years? What mark have I made, legacy have I created? Did I enjoy my youth, did I make the most of every moment? Is this where I would still be if I had chosen a different path? If I had been more motivated, worked harder, made better decisions, been luckier?
I want to say - maybe none of those things go through his head. (I hope that isn't true because I could have with one blog post driven him into a complete depression!) But I think that we all have those insecurities about what I have done with my time on this planet.
Here are just a few of my favorite things that he has done - maybe not all defining moments. But certainly when amassed make up an amazing life. I am sure you have many others that you could share too.
- Drove to Winslow, Arizona without planning after hearing that song.
- Moved across the country for a job with a company that no one had ever heard of
- Immediately got a job with a company that EVERYONE had heard of
- Picked himself up from defeat and remade his career
- Created his own definition of the job he wanted to do and then sold the company on him doing it
- Bonded with his brothers
- Created Camp Austin and wonderful memories with his nieces and nephews
- Loved a dog named Trooper
- Built a beautiful home in Texas and then just as quickly sold it
- Cried at my baptism
- Cried at our wedding
- Talked to three sweet babies after they were born to help them into this world
- Helped a very confused older lady find her lost car
- Weathered the storm
- Ordered Johnny Walker Blue Label at a bar in Rome
- Spent $400 on a dinner in Quebec
- Learned how to play Euchre and beat me
- Took dance lessons
- Invented the "lawn mower" and the "motorcycle" dance moves
- Created ASCRT
- Drew countless maps of the US
- Loved me
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