Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Single Mother

To all the single moms out there, you deserve applause, roses, bubble baths and a hot stone massage.  One week with Jeff gone in Turkey and I am cuckoo.  Jeff gets back from a work trip tomorrow, and not soon enough. I have resorted to talking to Jac about how frustrated I am with his sisters' fighting.  Maybe that is not a bad thing, but I always think about how my parents seemed invincible, they always had the right answer, they always knew what was best and they never had a moment of weakness. 

My weak moments come fast and furious when I am a single mom.  I doubt myself, I lack confidence, my mean mom meter starts quicker.  Being everything to three kids is tough.  And I just did it for a week.  For all the moms out there that are everything to a child all the time, kudos to you.  OH!  And that is the sexist in me.......to ALL the parents, grandparents, foster parents and any one trying to take care of a child by themselves - give yourself a break, you are doing a fabulous job. 

Wednesday can't come fast enough.

Monday, January 1, 2018


Check out JeffCarryOn Travel Rewind video.  Awesome!!