Monday, February 21, 2011

Crazy Hair

On the eve of her 3 month milestone, Stella got a nice bath.  I had to take a pic of her crazy hair.  Tomorrow she is three months old if you can believe that!

Here is a cute tummy time pic, also.  (With some drool.)

In her Bumbo!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Big Sick Guy

We have been so lucky this winter and not been sick.  Jac broke our streak.  Poor guy.  I have to say that his maturity handling a 103 degree fever and vomiting in the middle of the night was amazing.  He has arrived! 

I am sure that my doctor thinks I am crazy manic mommy bringing him to her today, but with little Stella I felt I couldn't risk playing around with this high fever.  Of course, by 1pm when we go to the doctor the only symptom he has is a runny nose.  Even the fever is completely gone!  But that is okay.  We found out he doesn't have strep or the flu and he doesn't have any other infections.  So, a lovely cold to run its course.

Hopefully Stella and Mia don't get the cold, but it is what it is.  Jac has washed his hands about 100 times to today and much to his dismay he has been quarantined from Stella.  No kisses, no cuddles, boo. 

I put everyone to bed at 7pm.  Hopefully that pays off! 

Valentine's Day

We had a lot of fun this Valentine's Day; including a tea that we invited a few of Jac and Mia's friends to. 

Stella was excited to meet everyone.

I was fortunate to have a neighbor watch Stella while I went to Jac's Valentine's Party at school. 

And of course the day itself was lovely. 

Everyone was happy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stella Checkup - 10 Weeks

Stella had her checkup yesterday.  She was a healthy 12lbs 12oz which is 75% and she was 23.5 inches which is also 75%.  So she is nice and proportional, but with a few chunky rolls.  She is doing well on the sleeping front.  Her 'normal' night is 8 or 9pm to 4:30am and then another wake up at 6:30am.  She did a 9pm to 6:30am two days ago which was awesome! 

Her napping isn't great.  I can hear her right now waking up from a 35 minute nap.  Way too short!  She takes about four of those little cat naps a day.  After observing her yesterday and hearing about her napping, the doctor said something like, "maybe she is just sensitive.  That isn't like your other kids, is it?"  Au contraire, good doctor.  My positive spin on this was, maybe Jac will be able to help Stella.  They can bond over this!

Stella just in the last two days laughed for the first time.  It was while I was zipping up her pjs and brushed her chin.  It must have tickled because she belly laughed.  Of course I couldn't get her to do it again until the next day.  So sweet!

Magic Times and a Long Winter

Has this been a long winter or what?  For everyone who has escaped to warmer climates, boo on you!  Actually you picked the perfect winter to flee.  I am not sure if it really has been snowier and colder than normal but it sure feels like it, especially with a two month old! 

We did get to beat the winter blues with a trip to our favorite Children's Museum.  It was definitely timely, as the snow moved in on Monday (actually sleet) and socked us all in.  I do think that calling afternoon Kindergarten on Monday was a bit much.  And by Thursday, surely it was safe enough to go.  But alas, they don't ask my opinion on these matters. 

Making Music with our Tushes!

No, I don't let her pick up Stella.  (Notice the direction of the babies head.)  However, I was just enouraged that she was interested in babies!  Normally, her attention is only given to stuffed animals.

Stella is clearly excited about going out!  I took her to the bus stop to get Jac because it was a warm 40 degrees on Friday.  She is a smiley girl right now and liked her little outing.   Although the bright snow made her keep her eyes closed most of the time.  She is so excited to get out and about, thank goodness the groundhog didn't see his shadow.